(+569) 7125 5994 – info@suinco.cl – Lago Llanquihue 0491 – San Bernardo – Santiago, CHILE.   


Rigorous policies have been implemented to ensure our responsibility to the environment and our world.

The world is changing, and it is very important to respect our environment and the planet.

It is a great challenge for modern companies to implement policies of responsibility to the environment. Within the culture of our organization, the promotion of responsible work towards the environment is vital.


In order to promote sustainability principles and achieve the reduction of greenhouse effect gases, SUINCO will continuously improve their practices to conserve energy and protect the environment. We reuse and recycle industrial waste continuously, improving our processes to avoid the need to take that waste to landfills.

Safety and Security

We actively protect the health of our collaborators, starting with the development of products that do not present any type of risk to humans. In addition, we have a definitive strategy for risk prevention.

The industrial and labor risks derived from its activity in all areas are identified through the application of risk analysis. This is a way to guarantee the protection of people and property.

We elaborate a series of procedures aimed at the safe handling of facilities and equipment, as well as their maintenance.

Design of an emergency plan in which possible emergency situations are identified, as well as the procedure to act in any of those situations.

Quality Certification

For SUINCO, the quality of our products is priority. That is why we take care of every detail in the design process, quality assurance, production and packaging using the highest standards. We have been certified ISO 9001:2015 in our production processes, as well as the commercialization of each of our products.